A Note from Katie (Please Read)
On Sept 29 both Dennis and myself tested positive for covid. On Wednesday, Oct 6, Dennis was taken to the hospital by ambulance. He was admitted into ICU as he was in cardiac distress and had severe pneumonia. He was put onto a ventilator and remains in a medically induced coma. This will allow his body to rest and and receive the best treatment for someone as ill as he became. I know this is worrisome to say the least.
Due to the volume of messages my ability to respond is limited limited, but please know we are feeling the love and prayer support. In order for me to find the balance and to recover, we kindly ask that all all prayers, inquiries, insights, or prophetic words go through info@dennisandkatie.ca. We will be sending out daily updates as found on this page on our website. Please fill in the form below to receive notification when the latest update is made available.
I hope you understand this is not meant to sound at all impersonal. It is the best way I know to support you as you support us while at the same time recovering from the shock and trauma of the latest with Dennis.
- Katie
PS - For more information, please read the daily updates below.
Wiedrick’s Health Update
Fill in this form to receive an e-mail update when it is posted on the Dennis’s condition as we walk through this challenging time together.