Oct 7 Update
Okay. Better news on some fronts.
Dennis's oxygen has been dropped from 100% to 70%.
The heart is still in atrial fibrillation but working less hard than yesterday.
They will slow that med down at 8:00pm this evening.
He is needing less BP meds to regulate his pressure.
The diabetes is still an issue. Still on the drip but they are going to start subcutaneous injections of a longer lasting insulin.
They had just finished switching his to his tummy again. They will keep him in that position for the night. And then switch to his back tomorrow morning. And keep that up for 3 days.
That is a whole effort for all their team and I thanked them for that.
He is sharing a room with another patient. Just an FYI.
So, an Improvement from last night.
And for me that I am free of all remaining traces of COVID so that I can be with him.