Oct 14 Update

Good day :

I went in to be with Dennis yesterday and I have better news. First, as I said the bleed was stopped and the second piece is that his kidneys are starting to heal. He has more output of fluids and the creatinine numbers are coming down. They are still high but significantly better than two days ago.

He was not awake as of yet but the nurse and I could see the start of some responses to my voice. I believe it won’t be too long now, before the sedation leaves his body and he can rise to the surface and open his eyes.

He will be having ultrasounds done on his legs today. There is some concern about Deep Vein Thrombosis. The good news is that should they find something amiss, he is in the best place to treat that. They have started him on drugs to help dissolve any clots.

I stand at his head and talk to him. About the love of his family, of the prayer support from all of you. Of the promises awaiting him coming home. I also sit quietly and pray. Yesterday, as I was aware of the angel that has walked with him ‘lo these many years’, I sensed this amazing being was remembering the trajectory of his life. In the spirit, I could see him alongside Dennis when he was a young boy, riding his bicycle in Simcoe, Ontario. Then, I could see Dennis at the Lion’s Club Park in Oakland, Ontario. He was playing football with some of his buddies, Peter Lacey, Gord Green, Terry Leszko. Young and vibrant and full of life. I acknowledged what the angel was recounting, he has been with Dennis at every stage of his life and his presence in the room is a very real comfort.

I received an email from a worship leader in Spruce Grove, Alberta. She has had dreams two nights in a row about Dennis and how he was impacting people. He was well and excited to share what he was receiving and was his nurturing self.

We will be capturing the words and promises and giving them to Dennis to read, as he becomes conscious. It will be a huge encouragement as he moves forward.

With our love and grateful thanks.

Katie and Family.


Oct 15 Update


Oct 13 Update