Oct 15 Update

Good morning:

Okay, here is the latest on Dennis. I just now got off of the phone to see how he did after I left yesterday.

He did not wake yesterday. He was starting to stir and shaking his head as he coughed…all good signs that he is coming to the surface.

As I sat with him, they got the report back that there are no clots in his legs.

The teams wants to do a CT scan on his lungs and because he has to be absolutely still, they have increased the sedation a bit, in order to keep him very quiet. There is no set time for that as all the incoming ER patients have priority. They are hopeful it will be some time today.

There was some blood in his urine again yesterday, not enough that it looks like another bleed anywhere else but perhaps there is something going on in his urinary track. To that end, they have started the process of flushing his bladder with a saline solution. That will aid in clearing any potential clot and stop any new from forming. They think the urology team will come today and assess that more.

What we notice is that everything I post as a prayer concern turns the corner in the right direction as you pray. I can only try to let you know how much this means to all of us.

We are going to print off the amazing prayers so that Dennis can read them shortly when he wakes. That might now be a bit delayed with the extra sedation, but he will come to the surface, open his eyes and join us.

Abigail is getting stronger daily although somewhat easily tired. The baby is an active little person and for that we are grateful. I am getting stronger each day and will be working with a friend later to get boxes unpacked that I have not been able to get to. My gosh, that will be a treat to get those last details attended to.

We are grateful, always

Katie and Family


Oct 16 Update


Oct 14 Update