Oct 11 Update
It is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada and before I give the update on Dennis, I want to take some time to say how grateful we are as a family to have the kind of support and love we are feeling from you all. I have many additions to my Journal of 1000 Gratitudes. The 10th one, for any of you that know I keep them.
Here is the latest on our dear Dennis:
Monday October 11
Yesterday the team was going to attempt to wean Dennis off of some of the paralytic drug in a very small way to see how his body handles that. However, that does not mean they will wake him up from the induced coma any time soon. They try to do some weaning and monitor all his vitals to see how his body tolerates it.
I rang last night before going to bed and he did well with the paralytic weaning. He seemed to tolerate it. Now, if his body wanted to, he could move his diaphragm and his body could attempt to breathe. The oxygen levels are the same…at around 50%. The nurse last night explained that because he is still in the medical coma, it is not too likely he will try to breathe yet on his own.
His sugars are more balanced with the long acting drug they have been giving him. That and the insulin drip are still going on.
They have not repeated the CT scan on his lungs because that might increase the damage to his kidney. He has what they are calling kidney injury. The result of the process he is in and they are monitoring that carefully.
The reassuring piece is that his lungs are stable enough to try to do some weaning.
I asked if there is any potential cognitive damage from being on the paralytic drug and in the coma for some time and they don’t feel that is an issue. However, there can be some confusion upon waking, when he is awakened.
I am partnering with so many of you as we are believing that Dennis will wake with divine insights from his encounters with the Father and the Host of heaven.
The prayer focus would be healing for his lungs and healing for his kidney.
I am asking that you would pray for Abigail and her wee one. She is now 8 months pregnant and we both believe she is turning the corner on the COVID symptoms. It will be a real relief when I know she is out of the woods completely.
I will be asking the hospital today to allow me to see Dennis. I have been in quarantine for 14 days now, so I am praying I can see him today.
With grateful thanks for your care and love.
- Katie & family