Nov 14 Update
Thank you for your prayers. On Friday, I was able to meet in person and connect by phone with some of the key people needed to get a clearer plan moving forward. It was as if something that was hampering progress was removed. I had been pressing to get a Care Plan in place for ages and by the end of the day, it was posted in his room with the necessary markers to get to the Rehabilitation stage.
At the same time, Dennis reached deep and he met more markers. He is now free of any tubing or lines anywhere. Yesterday he sat at the edge of his bed unassisted as he visited with Abigail. He can hold himself steady with ease.
A family dear to us delivered Pho soup from our favourite Asian fusion restaurant here in the city. We had a dinner date. He sat in a chair and fed himself and later he taught me how to play Crazy 8’s.
One of the goals was to be able to stand to his feet and start to walk with a walker, but as last he saw the Physiotherapists was Wednesday, it did not seem as if he could reach that marker. However, he had the most dynamic team of nurses last evening and one of them could see how he turned the corner and partnered with his determination to meet goals for Rehab. She will be working with him on her shift this evening and getting him to his feet with a walker and taking those steps. Abigail will go in to be a part of that evening of celebration.
Dennis asked me to tell you all of the ‘realignment’. We can say that this has been the most epic battle ever and his whole spirit, soul and body have been hit hard and oppressed. He fought through it and I can say with joy, he is back. His delight last night was tangible. Dennis often quotes one of Bob Jones last words to the body, about alignment. That for ‘those who are aligned with God, it will be the best of times’. Late day and last evening were by far, ‘the best of times’ we have seen with more to come.
We remain beyond grateful.
Dennis, Katie and family.