Nov 19 Update - Part 1

Dear friends, it seems as if we have truly turned the corner and we can see a date in sight, for Dennis to return home.

The Respirology team has signed off of his care, he has met all the markers they have set. He is working with the Physiotherapists daily, in the gym at the Hospital. He was so pleased that he is asking me to be sure to tell you that he feels more encouraged than he has throughout this process. He is celebrating every physical challenge presented to him and in the first 3 challenges of his days down there, he got a mark of two 9’s and a 10! The two young men that work with him are delightful. They play good cop, bad cop and all three get along very well. He reminds them that he is after all, “Brad Pitt’s stunt double and I need to get back to work”.

He recognized that getting to the goal of a ‘one person assist’, was more than he had first imagined but he is resolute in his determination. He is partnering with the Father to get to the next stage of full recovery and it is all in sight. I won’t share those dates just yet but they match many of your prayers and prophetic words.

Today, I will take in his shaver and beard trimmer and he can spruce himself up. I am investigating to see if a hairdresser is allowed in and if I can arrange that he will be very happy. If not, that is on the calendar pronto upon returning home.

He is very connected to you. I tell him of what you write, give reports of different folk. He has not lost his faith in our Father for the best outcomes for everyone he knows and loves.

So, join me please, as we cheer on his rehabilitation stage. I told him I could hear Joshua shouting encouragement from the sidelines, the same way his Dad cheered him on during football games. Thank you all in how you have supported him getting to this place. All of us remain grateful.


Nov 19 Update - Part 2


Nov 14 Update