Nov 11 Update

I posted something on Facebook earlier to honour the day. Remembrance Day is precious to me and I want to say right out of the gate Dennis, myself and our children will never forget your support. We are grateful.

Dennis is truly turning the corner medically. Things apart from a bladder issue are being resolved. I am waiting for Urology to decide what their next steps are.

Dennis is working very hard to meet the ‘markers’ set out by Physiotherapy to get to the next steps of Rehabilitation. We got him into a wheel chair and toured the ward earlier this week.

He spends hours now, as is a goal, in the chair and moving his legs and arms.

He is looking toward sitting unaided at the side of the bed, standing to his feet which he started on yesterday.

He is determined to get home. We are starting into the 7th week of hospitalization. The days are very long for Dennis, as you might imagine. The television in his room does not work and he can not hold the iPad as of yet. Abigail and I go in daily and spend at least 2 hours each with him and more as we can. He really dreads the clock, as it does not move very quickly from his perspective.

He fights discouragement and I will say that we need prayer for him over the remaining week and into Monday next. This will be a long weekend for many at the Hospital and it has been extraordinarily hard to get clear answers and measurable markers from anyone. Despite repeated requests for a team meeting that has yet to happen and Dennis feels powerless as there seems be no answer to his question, “When does this end and I get to go home?”

I am standing firm in my resolve to get the communication block cleared and provide more strategic timelines. I am going to be advocating for them to allow for more than Abigail and I to visit. She is now 20 days out from delivering the baby. She and Jamie are preparing and getting things ready. She won’t be able to sustain the visits and work as she is now so valiantly doing. My goal is to get permission to have another visitor added to the roster that will allow her respite. I will say though, she goes cheerfully in to see her Dad and she brightens his day.

Pushing back against disappointment and powerlessness is key right now. I am asking for angelic intervention and clear communication that will allow for ‘hopeful expectation’ to be in his room and flood the atmosphere. That will be critical to his well-being. Will you join me in praying for that?

With thanks

Katie and family


Nov 14 Update


Nov 7 Update