Nov 7 Update
Thank you for encircling Dennis with protection in response to my last note.
We could feel the oppression abate and I have encouraging news.
Physically, Dennis is taking real ground. The Respirologist said yesterday that his need for oxygen has decreased to a level appropriate at this time and that his lungs are clearing well. There is some scarring that might require oxygen at home but the window for lungs to recover is right now and into the next 3 to 4 months. As Dennis becomes increasingly active and able to re-use the muscles at the sides of his lungs, that will be a big help in the restoration.
One of the good things about Rockyview General Hospital is that the physicians understand how important pets are in the lives of patients. Abigail arranged for a Pet Visit morning. She told her Dad about it on Friday and he was over the moon happy to know that the ‘boys’ would visit soon. Yesterday morning, Abigial and I walked Kipper and Toby over to the hospital and up into his room. These two 4 legged loved ones, make quite the pair. Kipper is a Chocolate Lab/German Shepherd cross and Toby is a senior Shitzu/Bichon. They managed the whole thing amazingly well, as if they were born to be therapy dogs.
The nurses had the room all ready and Dennis was up in his chair. His voice resounded with joy as they marched over to him. All three of them were smiling (don’t you love dog smiles) and three sets of eyes were twinkling. It was a very sweet reunion and surprisingly, Abigail and I were allowed in together and we were able to stay for nearly 90 minutes.
To top it off, we brought Dennis a thermos our son in law Jamie’s coffee. As Dennis took his first mouthful of ‘real’ coffee in well over a month, he leaned his head back and said, ‘this is the start of everything feeling familiar’.
He happily made plans with us for his next steps toward release from the hospital and into rehabilitation. We wrote the goals on a white board. Last evening when Abigail was with him he was moving his legs and arms even more and with no assistance. As she settled him in for the night and said goodbye, he told her “watch me tomorrow, tomorrow is going to be a very big day!”.
Dennis would not be where he is without all of the prayer. You have fought alongside him and supported our family as we support him. Rebecca, Benjamin, Abigail, Steve and I say thank you. Such small words to convey a heart full of gratitude.
Katie and family.