Dennis is Headed Home!

Dear family and friends…

The day I have been waiting for has finally come. After eight weeks in the hospital, I am going home! Arriving just in time to be ready to welcome our new grandchild which should be coming any day!

I cannot tell you how much your prayers and support have meant to me over these past two months. This was undoubtedly one of the most difficult challenges of my life, but together we have overcome.

I have a clean bill of health from the doctors, and now I need to work on rebuilding my strength and muscle tone.
I am not quite ready yet physically or emotionally to tackle the many wonderful emails that I have received, but I hope to be able to re-engage soon.

I want to say a special thank you to Katie, my family, the doctors and nurses, and many friends who helped out so much during this time. But most of all, the prayer support…. It has been phenomenal!!

Sending you all the very best Christmas blessings and the joy of the season!

Dennis Wiedrick


Our Final Update


Nov 25 Update