Nov 25 Update

Dennis himself gave me direction on what to say in the note today. He is happy to report that his all the medical concerns are resolved and the focus is now rehabilitation.

To that end, here is more delightful news! Yesterday he was moved from the Internal Medicine ward to the bright and airy, Rehabilitation unit. He has a private room, his own bathroom, a television that works and space.

The goal here is to focus on therapy and exercise. He is taking it all in and is on board with the plans. The team on this ward seem very relational. He was laughing and joking with the three we met on his admission to the unit.

Our expectation for a return home soon, is high. He wants me to say that he is even better looking than ever. I can attest to that statement being true. It is lovely to see him engaged and hopeful.

Abigail had two meaningful, virtual baby showers. The nursery is ready. She and Jamie have their home looking festive and now, we are in the countdown to Dennis coming home and baby Wieler delivered into Abigail’s waiting arms.

We all thank you for your perseverance in this rather epic battle for recovery. The prayers have been a life line.

All love and gratitude,

Dennis, Katie and Family.


Dennis is Headed Home!


Nov 19 Update - Part 2