Nov 2 Update

Dennis has been moved to an Internal Medicine ward. I find the doctor overseeing his care to be very hopeful and helpful. He relates well to Dennis, calls him ‘Boss’ and Dennis in turn is connecting to him and grateful for his help.

There are a few areas that need to come into line before Dennis can graduate out from the ward into to Rehabilitation.

The blood infection has come down. Thank you for praying with us on that. He still has pneumonia. There was an ultrasound of his lungs and heart yesterday. The results will be in later today. The pneumonia is being treated with IV meds. His heart is doing much better and only gets a bit wonky if he gets agitated.

He has what is called an ‘interstitial blood clot’ on his right arm. This can be helped by warm compresses and some anti-inflammatory meds. They will be checking that to be sure it does not get deeper and become a ‘Deep Vein Thrombosis’. If you would pray with us for that to clear we would be grateful.

Abigail is working with her Dad to pray and inquire of Holy Spirit, which goals are they to set each day or week, in order to reach the markers and come home. His first goal is to be able to in his words, “use the men’s room”. I will be continuing to ask what steps Respiratory Therapy is setting for him and then Physical Therapy will follow.

He is able to eat soft foods and is so grateful for everything offered. Applesauce is a real treat for him. He would still like a diet soda but alas, they are not on offer at this time.

Dennis spoke with Rebecca on the phone yesterday. His eyes lit up. Ben will chat with him today and then Steve next. He was so animated when I said we could do that.

As Dennis has awakened from the confusion to alertness he often talks of how ‘this next season is going to the best years of his life’. That is his spirit and soul making declarations in alignment with the plans and purposes of his heavenly Father. His body is the struggle at times. The dear man has taken a beating from COVID and it wants to show itself in his body. However, bodies were created to be restored and we share communion together to remind us of what was accomplished at the cross by His blood.

Thank you for partnering with us as we contend for the next levels of healing.

We all thank you

Katie and family.


Nov 4 Update


Oct 30 Update