Oct 30 Update
Thank you for celebrating with us Dennis’ release from ICU. He was clearer last night when Abigail saw him. She played Laura Woodley Osman’s worship songs to him. (For those who do not know, Laura is his oldest Niece). She said that Laura’s ‘Comfort Song’ fit very well with her prayer for him. Others have sent me songs and play lists which we will give him, I know that will help as well.
I hope you hear the heart of this note. That I am not being negative in reporting what we are dealing with. He has taken ground…we only have to remain on guard against these emerging issues in order to maintain what has been gained.
I met with the Doctors yesterday as I hoped would happen. Of the issues going on the most pressing are the following.
He has COVID pneumonia again. It resurfaced Wednesday. That seems to be an issue with this virus and it is right at the top of the prayer agenda. His lungs are very impacted by it and in order for him to remain on the floor and out of ICU, we need those to clear soon. (As I have mentioned before, getting him up into a chair and moving more will help with that as well). The struggle to breathe impacts his heart and they have been managing the heart issue with meds.
As a result of the arterial line into his neck being in place for so long, he contracted a hospital born blood infection. This is troublesome in that these infections can be hard to treat. They started him on antibiotics even before they removed the line but at this time, that treatment has not brought the infection down. There is a plan in place to bring in another specialty called Infectious Diseases to consult on how to manage this issue. (I am going to take in communion elements today, that we can share with him daily. The blood of Jesus will always overcome every foreign obstacle.)
I am so aware of the sense of being on a roller coaster as you journey with us to see Dennis completely healed. There are the markers gained and celebrated. Then notes like today where I share the next level of concern.
Once we see him truly ‘out of the woods’, it will all be about recovery and rehabilitation. Until that point, I am humbled to know I can reach out to you.
With grateful thanks,
Katie and Family