Oct 23 Update

Dennis is continuing to wake more fully. This is what we all needed to see. In fact last evening, he was able to help the nurses as they shifted him for the evening. They asked if he could reach the rail and hold it, he did. That was more movement and co-operation from when I was visiting. At that time the nurse asked him if he could hear her, he nodded his head ‘yes’. She asked if he was in pain anywhere, he shook his head ‘no’. Relief.
This road to recovery is a bit of a roller coaster, for all of us. (Personally I never have seen the fun in paying to line up to be terrified but there you go, roller coaster none the less)

Dennis as you will know from my last note, has a secondary lung infection. Yesterday, they did tests on his left lung, there is no pneumonia, but there is a lot of what is called consolidation of infection. To help see what was going on, they did a bronchoscope. They were able to suction out some of it and once he came around, they were able to drop the temporary increase of oxygen back to where it had been.

The urinary tract infection has cleared up completely. He does have one more staph infection. Not thankfully, C Diff. Both the lung infection and this new one are being treated with high doses of antibiotics.
These infections are the result of being in hospital for what is now, 17 days. I can hear in the spirit the concerns that he is on a ventilator, that he is in this position. As I get the update every day, I have to sit with the temporary reality and process. I know you are doing the same. For the team that is caring for him, they see this as a concern but they are prepared for it and remain hopeful of his recovery.

I sit quietly and ask what the Trinity is saying about this situation and where the host of heaven are in their part. Over the last two days, I have been reminded of three key people in our lives, two have graduated and one remains on this side of the veil, that experienced long term hospitalization and subsequent complications and recovered.

Please just sit a while with me while I share their story and how it brought comfort to me. The first was Dennis’s Mom, Erna. After a successful bypass surgery on her heart, while in the ‘Step down unit’, Erna got a serious staph infection. It required immediate and drastic surgery to her sternum and that dear soul was in ICU for upwards of 4 to 6 weeks. In fact, a friend of mine who worked in the hospital she was in, told me Erna was in there for longer than anyone had been and the staff was amazed that she recovered. Dennis was one of her children to sit at her bedside at that time. I have sensed Erna being very close to her only son. She came out from that experience and went on to live a full and long life.

Then, there was the time our dear friend and brother Larry Pearson was in hospital with Crohn’s disease. A serious battle on it’s own. One evening, I was working in our office at home and I heard clearly, ‘pray for Larry now or he will die!’. I called up to Josh and he joined Dennis and I in prayer for Larry. After we prayed Josh came to my office with me and stood in front of my desk. He looked me in the eye and said, "Mom, I didn’t cry when Grandpa Wiedrick died, I didn’t cry when Grandpa Sieber died, if Larry dies I will cry!". He looked over at me and then suddenly, he stood up straight, shot his arm into the air and said very loudly, "Larry Pearson, come back, we have need of thee!!". Then in predictable Josh fashion, he left the office and went up to his room. I sat there a bit taken aback. I looked over at my desk and could see what I had not seen for years. Gold dust on the desk and my keyboard. I called Josh back down and said, "Josh, what arm did you raise when you called Larry back?" He held it out and then we both looked in wonder. His arm was covered in gold dust. Next morning I rang Jacqueline to find that Larry had that evening we prayed, been diagnosed with what at the time was raging through the hospital he was in. C-Diff. It was critical. Larry recovered and remains his indomitable warrior self.

Lastly, my dear sister friend Shelley Sullivan Veenvliet. Shelley was hospitalized with a tracheotomy connection to a ventilator for weeks. The prognosis was that if she recovered she would spend the rest of her life in a nursing home. Her husband Hans, was having none of that. Many of you will remember partnering with Hans and agreeing with the Father for her restoration. Shelley returned to her beloved Hans and had her summers in Southampton before she went on home, as a small but determined apostle whose legacy in the Hamilton area still speaks.

It is those dear ones and their story that anchors me as we contend for full recovery for Dennis. I have sensed their presence with me in the room. I heard Larry declare early last week, the very same words Joshua called out for him. I won’t be deterred by these events. I know that Dennis is in His hands and I have no doubt that without the intervention of modern life supports, he would not be with us now. This is rather beyond comprehension in some ways. It is heaven and earth contending together as this gentle giant wakes up, recovers and takes his place again as a Father to his children and grandchildren. As Patriarch in the family and as a leader and Father to the body of Christ.

With grateful thanks for your prayers. It is an extraordinary comfort to my family.

Katie and family.

PS - Abigail is stronger! This week twice each day, she and her dog Kipper stand at the hill top overlooking the hospital. She sends a message of love out to her Dad as do all the kids.
We are setting dates for a virtual shower for her family in Ontario and one out here. I reminded Dennis yesterday that in only 6 weeks, this new little life will be born and he will be recovered to celebrate the birth.


Oct 27 Update


Oct 21 Update