Resonance Part I

Resonance has become a word with deep meaning for me over the past ten years. The expression of the word has unfolded in ways that grows deeper as the days go on. First, let me give you some definition of the word from dictionaries:    

From the latin word resonate ‘echo’.  From resonance, ‘re-sound’.

The quality in a sound being deeply full and reverberating.

Literally, to sound again or echo.

The power to evoke enduring images, memories and emotions.

In these posts, I will be referring back to these definitions as I share some of the journey into scripture and life in the Spirit with resonance as the foundation.  

It all started with a day trip to downtown Toronto with a young prophet in our life.  Kayle Mumby was visiting from Western Canada and had meetings in the city.  While he attended his appointments,  I had the gift of time and so I spent it in a bookstore.   The World’s Largest Bookstore, at least in it’s own estimation, was being forced into closing by the bigger chains. (Ironic, I know!)  I was both sad and rather excited at the same time.   Bookstores closing leaves me a bit achy inside but the possibility of adding more books to my collection makes me happy and saving money is a bonus.

Avoiding the purchase of more novels, I meandered over the the ‘Spirituality’ section. I ran my eyes over the spines of the books on the depleted shelves. A Henri Nouwen. Score! Into the basket it went. I was looking for more Brennan Manning books. Alas, none left. Then, a most amazing thing happened.  I was drawn to books and writers I had never heard of before. Thomas Keating’s, “The Heart of the World”. “The select writings of Francis & Clare of Assisi”.  “Desert Wisdom” by Yushi Nomura, introduced by Henri Nouwen.  I deemed that one safe, if not unknown. “Shaped by the Cross” by Ken Gire. Finally, “Abandonment to Divine Providence” by Jean-Pierrre De Caussade. All of them at least 70% off.

You may have to be a bibliophile to understand the excitement I had as I left the store to rendezvous with Kayle and make our way home.  Yes, bibliophile is a big word like marmalade but look it up if you don’t know the meaning…it pays to increase your word power**

Kayle  is one of the kind young people I have in my life that don’t mind sitting with me as I share out loud my joy at things that fill my tank.  Books do that but these books had something on them. On the crowded commuter train home,  I pulled them out of my bag one by one and showed him the titles.  Kayle , a sojourner on the road less traveled knew quite a number of them.  “Oh my word!”, I thought to myself, “I am on to something here”, with no real idea how precious the start of this road would be.

I would sit in the early mornings, in my rocking chair and peruse these books, trying to sort out where to start.  As I read the prefaces I could feel something come alive inside. Then, as I started in on the first ones I felt a coming home. An echo of something I knew deep in my spirit.   Resonance.  As if the longing for language to define what I instinctively knew was being formed, right there on the pages. 

As I share in one of the chapters of the collaborative new book we are releasing in the near future, I had a struggle for many of my years as a believer.  What was being taught just did not ‘sit right’ with me. But, who was I to argue?  I was new to this whole community of faith.  I was instructed largely by charismatic/evangelical teachers.  As I had no theological frame of reference to guide me, I gave a mental assent to what we being said.  However, quite a bit of it did not go very deep.

Now, in the early mornings I would sit with these writers, some long gone and they became my tribe. They became my teachers. Speaking a language with a quality of sound that was deep and reverberated in my spirit. 

Paul the Apostle was one amazed by grace. In his letters to the Corinthian church, he writes much more eloquently than I,  of the wonder of finding life and language, free of the law. In 2 Corinthians 3: 2-3, he says this from the Mirror Translation. “…An open letter speaking a global language; one that everyone can read and recognize as their mother tongue! The fact that you are a Christ-Epistle shines as bright as day!   This is what our ministry is all about. The Spirit of God is the living ink. Every trace of the Spirit’s influence on the heart is what gives permanence to this conversation.  We are not talking law-language here; this is more dynamic and permanent that letters chiseled in stone.  This conversation is embroidered in your inner consciousness. (It is the life of your design that grace echoes within you!)”

I invite you to join me over the next few weeks as I share more on resonance and how it can impact your own spiritual  journey.


***Post Script:  We do aim to keep empowering fun. With that in mind,  do you want to partake in a short contest?  The first 3 people that can cite the origin of the phrase, “It Pays to Increase Your Word Power”, will get one free course.

Submit your answer to No skill testing question will follow. I promise.   

Update: Contest is now closed.

 Blessings,  Katie


Resonance Part II


Thresholds Part II